
Ali Andress (Österreich):
“Ein Straßer-Didge und du spielst kein anderes mehr. Absolut präzise, exakt und transparent im Klang !


Alan Dargin (Australien):

Didgeridoos (separable)

My new development: the seperable Woodslide Didgeridoo

Due to various inquiries from my customers who were looking for a handy, travel-and-transportable didgeridoo, I developed and finished the seperable Woodslide-Didge.
Of course in the highest processing, play and sound quality.

As a connection of the two parts I have (after various attempts with different threaded bushings) a plug connection with O-rings developed and chosen. This means that both parts are plugged together in seconds. They hold firmly and tightly together. This plug connection is also very insensitive and low-maintenance.

My customers who like to move around in nature (hiking, biking, mountaineering, etc.) or a lot of traveling (airplane, car, train, etc.) will love this handy, completed instrument.
