
“Didgeman” Dirk Mannfeld (Deutschland):
“Die besten und edelsten Didges. Und ich weiß, wovon ich spreche, ich bin selbst Didgeridoo-Händler und -Musiker.”


David Lindner (Deutschland):
“Die Didgeridoos von Walter Strasser bestechen durch ihr gutes Anspielverhalten. Bedingt durch ihre Dünnwandigkeit resonieren sie gut. Herausragend auch ihr “Design”: Sie fassen sich sinnlich an, sehen aus, als kämen sie aus einer Hightech-Schmiede. Aber bei Strasser ist alles Holz was glänzt und… klingt.”

Didgeridoos / Jidakis made from precious native woods

The rapidly growing enthusiasm for the didgeridoo is not really surprising, because with its mystical sound and positive effect on the musician and audience, it also enables access to deeper levels of awareness, to the origins of being. Another advantage of the didgeridoo is that it can be easily learnt.

  • Woodslide Didgeridoo SONA (Mundstück) - Goldline

„I would hereby like to express my great respect for the indigenous culture of the Aborigines. Its ancient culture and the didgeridoo are a very valuable gift for which I would like to express my utmost gratitude.“

You, too, can discover the thousands-year-old mystical sound of the didgeridoo / yidaki

I can only congratulate everyone who has already got to know this wonderful instrument and those who are still about to discover it.
